When to Meet in Person: the How, When, and Where of First Meeting

“Make sure that you impress her on your first date”
When you meet a beautiful woman off a dating site in the UK and you click after exchanging some messages, you might start to ponder setting up a first meeting. Sometimes the chemistry is very apparent and you end up on a date faster than you initially planned – this can work out well or in a bad way. There are some men who tend to take their time to get to know a woman. You don’t know if she’s a psycho, needy, or if she’s going to be a dramatic diva. It doesn’t hurt to feel her out and see if she’s for you before trying to set up a meeting, especially if you’re looking for a woman who’s more dating material than for just a hookup. Here are a few tips about how to broach the topic, deciding whether it’s a date, and how to make it happen with maximum success.
When to Suggest a Meeting
The best time to start thinking about meeting the woman you’re corresponding with is when your messages back and forth reach more than a few paragraphs each. If you have that much to talk about, it’s safe to say that you’ll probably enjoy each other’s company, and even if you don’t, it’s definitely worth a try. Since you’re both on a dating site, she’s going to be expecting it to come up, so don’t feel shy about broaching the topic. You are there to meet people, just like her.
Deciding Whether It’s A Date

“Give her a hint that it is a date”
This is something that’s good to spell out from the beginning, once you decide to meet. You can even bring it up at the same time you suggest meeting. This can be done tactfully, without coming off as an over eager stalker. Don’t just spring on her that you desperately want to take her out. Make it smoothly integrated into the natural process of things – ask her if she wants to go out for a drink, and make it clear that you’re thinking of it as a first date. An even more obvious first date activity is to ask her to dinner. Dinner is one of those things that instantly signal women that you’re romantically interested, and want to try it out, on the other hand, if you really want to meet her to get a sense of whether you actually have any chemistry, that’s fine. Just make sure that she knows.