Review: The Reason Is Not In Our List Of “Top Married Dating” Sites is that curious mix of well-known and unknown that is so dangerous in the world of married dating. An unknown site is bad news, because there won’t be any women on it to make the dating experience worthwhile, since you’ll never find an affair.
But a well-known site is equally as dangerous. When a lot of people are using a given site, it’s much easier for the people who have heard of it to pass that word on to private investigators. Those investigators then make a living blackmailing the people they find on the site.

Scam sites will only get you hurt. Read our reviews of married dating websites to find the ones where you can really have fun! is FULL of private investigators.
If you want to keep your affair hush-hush, don’t do it by using to find a woman.
The Married Dating Results We Got For
Either other people are as hesitant about as we are, or this site just doesn’t have many women willing to risk it on a stupid site like this. We sent out 200 emails during our HushAffair review, but we only got seven from women in return.
We didn’t get a single date, and we didn’t have any affairs during our time on this website. In other words, without a shadow of a doubt, you will not find love on this site.
This Is Why Is Worthless In Our Opinion: Is a Scam?
There’s keeping an affair quiet, and then there’s keeping it nonexistent. is very good at the latter, though we didn’t see all that much of the former.
If you want to keep an affair quiet, first you have to have an affair. didn’t help us do that at all. There were almost no women to meet, which resulted in a completely useless experience for us and for the man we were setting up. In the News
According to WorthofWeb, is only worth about $102 USD.
Like many other infidelity sites, has been a hotbed of controversy surrounding politics. Review: Is It Worth It To Use For Married Dating?
We don’t recommend that you use for married dating. This site is useless. Try out EroticAffairs instead, our top pick for married dating.
Was this site made by a 12 year old? I want to write a review but I can’t stop laughing long enough to type a good response. is the most blatantly fake site I’ve ever seen!
Come on now, are you guys even trying to hide the fact that this site is a scam? There’s no comparison between this piece of crap and a real affair dating site!
I thought that this site was going to be cool because you can search for a couple or just a woman, but I was so wrong. This website is a total scam, so don’t waste your time. seems pretty legit to me?but there are a lot of bad reviews. I hope that I haven’t spent my money on something that’s just a scam, but I’ll give it a bit to decide.
If you want to have a discreet affair that your wife never finds out about, then good luck. This site will happily distribute your information around so your wife will find out. doesn’t stand up to any test you could give it and should be avoided at all costs. The only thing that this website is good for is stealing your money.
I hope that nobody has been giving this site a good rating, because it’s obviously a scam. They don’t even try to hide that most of their profiles are fake!
Every review I’ve seen from 2013 is a total lie, because this site is absolutely awful. I thought that I could use it to have a great affair, but all I’ve gotten is an empty wallet and an inbox full of spam.
I haven’t had any luck dating in secret, so I signed up for My wife is nosy, though, so I’m worried that it’ll come back to bite me. I hope that this site is as discreet as it claims to be.
There’s no way that I’ll ever spend my money on sites like this again! I stayed on here for months and never hooked up with any girls. Actually, I never even got any emails!
I don’t usually review the affair sites I use, but was so awful that I had to type something out. I’ve never lost so much money to a scam site, so save yourself while you can.
Any awful comparison that you can make about this site and something else would be completely accurate. It’s amazing to me that a site can be so blatantly fake yet trick so many people.
You won’t be finding any women to have an affair with in the UK here – it’s just a scam. My wife found out that I was visiting this site because it shows up on the bill, so it wasn’t worth it. is legit, but I haven’t had much luck so far with meeting women. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but nobody ever responds to any of my emails.
If you want a good site to cheat on, then move along. You aren’t going to hook up using this website in your life – you’re more likely to have a lengthy conversation with an old man or a bot.
Test your patience with, the site where you can lose all your money and have nothing to show for it at the end. Some sites will claim that this place is trustworthy, but it’s just a scam.
No rating is low enough to describe how terrible my experience with this website was. I met an old man, a robot, and simultaneously got caught by my wife. This was a total bust!
So far in 2013, every review for this site that I’ve found has been negative. I was going to sign up for a membership, but nevermind. I work hard for my money, not to spend it chasing fake women!
Since I’m afraid of getting caught dating by my wife, I decided to try So far I haven’t had any issues, but I’m starting to wonder whether or not this site is legit.
There are way too many sites like this, and people are getting suckered into every one. For those who don’t know, this site is just out to take your money! is a site that I never anticipated writing a review for, but here we are. I’m only writing to warn people about it being a scam – I lost hundreds trying to hook up with women who never emailed back.
Try out a comparison site before this one, because this site is total crap. The women don’t really exist, and the site doesn’t even care if you know how many fake profiles they have.
I’m sorry, but this is the most blatant scam I’ve ever seen. Have you looked at this website? I can’t stop laughing! Even the pictures are hilarious, and I definitely won’t be using this site. is a site I’ve been using for a few months, and I’m still not sure whether it’s legit or not. I haven’t talked to many women, but other people seem to have had some luck.
This website is no good at all! I tried buying a membership for a few months, and it was a total waste of my money. You won’t get laid this way, so don’t even bother.
I decided to test out, and boy was I disappointed. I don’t think I talked to an actual woman the whole time I was on there. Definitely not worth the price of a membership.
I never give websites a bad rating, but this is just ridiculous. This website makes you pay good money to talk to robots and not real women. I don’t even think there are any women on this site!
This is my first review of 2013, and sadly it’s to say that this site is a blatant scam. I’m sorry if any of you have payed for longer than a month or so of membership, because you aren’t getting lucky anytime soon.
My friends told me to join a dating website to have an affair, so I decided to try out I don’t know if I like it or not yet, it’s too soon to tell.
Sites like this are way too common, and they are obviously a scam. Don’t be fooled by any false testimonies or promises that you’ll get lucky fast, because you won’t.