Review: The Reason Is Not In Our List Of “Top Married Dating” Sites may style itself as the greatest of affair dating sites, but it doesn’t mean that there’s any data to back up those claims. In fact, we found to be a rather terrible website, and we wouldn’t go back even if we were guaranteed to find an affair, not after everything we’ve hear and read about this site lately.
Let’s take a closer look at why we don’t think you should trust your love affair or your money to

VictoriaMilan was a horrible site. Avoid the scams by checking our reviews of married dating websites and finding sites you can trust.
The Married Dating Results We Got For
During our VictoriaMilan review, we sent out emails to 200 women, hoping for responses. However, what we found is that most of the women on this site are either fake, or they’re not actually looking for an affair. We only got 23 responses, which is a pretty drab number.
Remember that on our favorite site, EroticAffairs, we had 10 different dates in the same time span, and with the same amount of effort put in. We had absolutely no dates on
This Is Why Is Worthless In Our Opinion: Is a Scam?
If the fact that there are almost no women on isn’t enough to make you avoid it, how about the fact that it’s one of the least safe adult dating sites for married people around?
This site has long been the target of hackers and private investigators. If you want to have an affair and be safe, you’re going to have to do it somewhere else entirely. In the News
The Copenhagen Post reports on using sleazy advertising tactics to get what they want, and the fact that they have used people’s images without their consent. The site is being sued, and suffering under an injunction currently.
The CEO of blames cell phones for affairs. In other news, he blames satsumas for hurricanes. is featured in an article that asserts that you can break up by post-it note and there’s nothing wrong with that. Review: Is It Worth It To Use For Married Dating?
We’re not sure what exactly is the “original” in, but it certainly isn’t in adult dating for married people. This website has constant flaws, not least of which is a lack of members. We recommend EroticAffairs instead.
To be honest, every review I saw for was pretty low, but I decided to give it a shot anyway. That was a huge mistake – I didn’t get laid at all, and I just wasted my time.
I can’t believe how few members there are on this site. It’s blatantly ripping off Ashley Madison, and there’s really no comparison. I only had 15 results for my city!
I’m pretty sure that this site is a scam. It didn’t list any people in my area at all, and didn’t seem to have hardly any members at all! I’m sure I’m not the only one, so consider using a different site.
While is definitely attractive, it’s pretty obvious that the site is just trying to be Ashley Madison. That does not mean that you won’t get laid, just be careful.
It’s a good thing that my wife doesn’t check my internet history, because this site isn’t discreet at all! Be sure to delete your internet history after visiting, because the site blatantly says that it’s for cheating.
Try putting to the test for yourself, because I was not impressed. I couldn’t find any good matches, and most of the people I found hadn’t even completed their profile.
I haven’t seen anything but negative ratings for this site, and it deserves every single one of them. Not only did I pay an arm and a leg for a membership, I proceeded to find out that there weren’t even any members in my area!
This site is sleek and very 2013, but don’t let that minimalistic web layout fool you. The actual site is complete crap, and you won’t get any results at all.
I thought that maybe I could use for dating, but I’m not sure. I left site after a few months of trying, but maybe I just left too soon. I might try again later.
With sites like this, having an affair should be simple. But you can’t get laid if there aren’t any members in your area, which is a huge flaw I found with this website. After I joined, I found out that I only had three local matches. absolutely cannot get a good review from me. I couldn’t navigate the site, I didn’t find any matches, and hardly anybody had their profiles completed. All in all it was a bad experience.
I tried using after this and there was absolutely no comparison – there’s a reason it’s the number one cheating site. This site is just a bad knock-off, and you’ll never get laid using it.
Does anyone know if this site is a scam? Because I’ve been on here for a few months now and it doesn’t seem like it even has any members in my area. I’m about to give up. is definitely legit despite what reviews say, it’s just a pretty boring site. There isn’t much to do, but I guess it’s good for people who are just idly looking to hook up.
The site just plain is not good. It’s confusing to use and I didn’t get laid even though testimonials promised that I would. I’m going to try another affair site because I want results fast.
After testing against other affair websites, it really just doesn’t hold up. I can’t believe that I wasted my money and time trying to hook up on this site!
If you ever see anyone give this awful site a high rating, they’re probably either employed by the site or a liar. I’ve never had such a bad experience on a dating site!
I thought that I found a good review or two for this site, but I’m not sure that they’re from 2013. I definitely didn’t have any luck using the site, and the women didn’t seem to exist at all.
I’m reserving judgement on, but it doesn’t seem like a very reputable dating site. I’m having a hard time finding anyone with a completed profile, but maybe I’m just not looking hard enough.
Sites like this are a dime a dozen and are blatant rip-offs of more popular sites. If you’re going to pay for a membership somewhere, go find a site that actual gets you results.
I don’t normally review affair sites, but was especially bad. I don’t know if the site is just starting out or what, but there were no members on here in my area!
I’m so angry that I can’t even think up a witty comparison to use here! I can’t believe that people get away with making sites like this, and I’m mad at myself for falling for this half-assed scam!
So, I’m pretty positive that this site is a scam at this point. I don’t know why else it wouldn’t have any members aside from myself and a few CPU users, so I’m leaving before I waste any more money here.
I don’t know how legit is, but it seems to be a little confusing so far. I can’t find any completed profiles or pictures, but maybe I’m just doing it wrong. I’ll keep trying before I decide if it’s a good fit or not.
Good riddance to this god-awful site! I wasted too much time and effort making a nice profile for people to view, but nobody else had so much as a picture! What a joke!
I think the makers of should have to test this site out for themselves and see how impossible it is to get laid. If you’re going to have such a badly run site, why even bother?
This site doesn’t allow anyone to put up a rating for a reason! It’s a total flop, and you’ll never find an affair using it. Try another place instead, because this one is a complete waste of money.
I don’t know why this site doesn’t allow you to review with stars, but come on, it’s 2013. Am I just looking in the wrong place? I want to be able to warn people how bad this place is.
Dating on is definitely possible, I’m just not very good at it because I have a hard time finding matches. I might keep using it for a while just to see, though.