The Best Holiday Hookups: Where to Get Lucky
The holidays are a great time of year for dating and hookups because almost everyone is in a good mood, or at least a festive one. There’s drinking and merriment, and even a little mischief. There are holiday office parties and gatherings with friends. Basically, it’s a time of year where people are expecting to have a good time and cut a bit loose, and maybe eat some roasted chestnuts, as is the good, old-fashioned tradition in the UK. No matter what you do, don’t forget that this is your opportunity to meet women and see where it takes you. Here are few hot spots where you might get lucky.
Holiday Office Party

“Talk to her at the office party”
This is an obvious one, but it’s a tried and true option. The holiday office party is usually well-stocked with liquor, and everyone lets their professional face slip and get to know each other a bit more. There’s something thrilling about getting to know your coworkers as people and cutting through a few boundaries, rather than having to remain stiff and formal all the time. The biggest thing to pay attention here is who you are aiming for – and who you shouldn’t be aiming for. A woman who works outside your department is always a good choice. The basic requisites that usually end the best is that she’s single, she’s not drunk or acting loud, and you’ll be able to still look each other in the face after the magical holiday festivities are over. This is the best type of woman to go after. The worst type of woman is going to be anyone you work closely with, or your boss. We cannot stress enough what a terrible idea it is to try and hook up with your boss. A few of us have tried it, and found ourselves eventually out of a job.

“Go out for shopping as you might meet someone out there”
We know this might sound a little insane, but the best part of the holidays is that everyone is out shopping, and this includes gorgeous women. The point is that you have something to talk about because of the stress and rush of the holidays – shared grief. Shared stress is the best bonding agent for any two people. One tactic is to try and go out to obtain the most desirable gift of the holiday season, and share your woes about not being able to find it with the nearest woman who is attractive. This gives you an automatic in if she’s looking for the same item, and you can also commiserate, instant new acquaintance and possibly a date.