Simple Tips to Set You Apart from the Other Guys

“Make her to notice you”
If you’re like many guys out there, you are trying to figure out how to get with all the hot girls you see on a daily basis. The trouble most guys have is that they are way too eager. You freak out trying to prove to the girls that you are the one they should be paying attention to. In fact, this is the last thing you want to do. Not to worry, with a little guidance, you can learn exactly what the ladies are looking for and you can be the one they turn to when they are looking to have some fun.
Show Her You Are Different
The first thing to do is to say something she is not expecting to hear. Every woman is expecting to hear you tell her how beautiful she is. This is not so much of a compliment as it is merely fulfilling a quota. Instead, be the first to tell her about how impressed you are by the qualities she exudes beyond her looks. If you notice she is a good dresser, you can mention her clothes, if you know what kind of work she does; you can talk about how cool you think her job is. By saying something she does not hear all the time, you are instantly light years ahead of the rest of the guys trying to talk to her.
Prove You Are Different

“Compliment her work and other things along with her beauty”
Now that you have your foot in the door, you do not want to waste the opportunity. At this point, many guys will steer the conversation towards themselves. This is a huge mistake, because she wants to feel special and you can’t do that if you are spouting off at the mouth about yourself. Even if you are on a site looking for sex and you know she is looking for sex too, she still doesn’t want you to go straight to sex talk. Show an interest in her as a human being and she will be much more interested in what you have to say since it is all a part of human nature.
Remember Little Details about Her
When you are having a conversation, listen to what she is saying. If she mentions something later in the conversation tying into something mentioned earlier, mention this. Talk about her and pay attention to whatever she says. She will be impressed to know that you are listening and will feel special that you are paying such an interest in her. She will definitely want to talk with you more and see where things go. If you do nothing else, you need to follow these tips as they are super simple and they actually work. Nothing else will matter if you cannot get past the initial introduction stage. Then, you can really get started talking about the things you want to talk about. She will be ready to do anything you want as long as you are able to keep it real.