Getting Her to Do What You Want in Bed

“Make her more passionate about sex”
Not everyone shares the same sexual tastes. Some women like elements of bondage in their sex play while some men don’t. The basic goal of any sexual encounter is the same for pretty much everyone. Every orgasm is a good orgasm, but amazing orgasms are kind of like the unicorn: elusive and considered to be the stuff of legend.
It’s important to give her what she wants in bed. Like any relationship, the cure to a healthy sexual relationship is to ensure that both sides are happy. This means that you’re entitled to mind-blowing orgasms, too. If you’d like her to do things that she doesn’t usually do in bed, it can be tricky to ask her. Your request can be misconstrued as boredom and that’s not the message you want to send. There are a couple of subtle (and not so subtle) ways to get her to do what you want that will avoid any awkward misunderstandings.
Encourage Vocalization

“Share your secret sex desires with each other”
In the throes of great sex, it’s easy to forget how to talk. If you’re looking for new and exciting ways to make love, the best way to get the ball rolling is to suggest that you both share any secret desires you’re harbouring. That way, you’re putting the ball in her court too. Tell her you’d like to know if there’s anything she wants you to try and emphasize that it can be a mutual exchange of information. She’ll likely be impressed by your consideration, which means that she’ll be more receptive to things that you’ll ask when your turn comes around.
Venture Slowly
If there’s something new you want to try in the sack but you’re uncertain if she’ll go for it, you need to tread carefully. Let’s say you want to try anal, but she’s expressed reluctance to even go there, try to ease her into the idea. During a foreplay massage, pay some attention to that particular area. Do it slowly, gently, and lovingly. Show her that you’re willing to take it as slow as she needs and if she asks you to stop, do so immediately. She needs to be able to trust you implicitly before she’ll be comfortable with trying new things.
Emphasize How You Feel
It is especially important to let her know how much you care for her when engaged in lovemaking; those moments are when you’re both at your most vulnerable. Hearing how much you adore her is going to go a long way in making her feel confident and cherished. The more confident she is, the more adventurous she may feel, which means that she’ll be more inclined to doing things that you suggest.