First Impressions Count: Zingers For Your First Private Message
The thing is, she probably gets tons of messages from men if she really is a catch, so you have to make yourself stand out. One major part of dating in the 21st century is being able to craft a witty but sexy first message when you first contact a woman. Here are a few lines we have had great luck with.
“I’ve Never Seen Anyone Like You on This Site”

“Impress her with your first message”
Don’t make it schmaltzy, but pointing out that you think she’s unique can make you stands heads above other men. Some people send lame messages that are too timid, tell a woman she’s pretty, and leave it at that. When you start your message, use the opening line to point out something that you thought was unique about her. Something like, “The fact that you also love my favorite author makes me think we have to at least say hello.” It’ll at least capture her attention, and whether or not she messages you back, that’s half the battle.
“Are You Real?”
We don’t mean you have to go on a tirade about how she’s your literal dream girl. The point of a line like this is to poke fun at the dating site. Dating sites are notorious for having badly spelled profiles, cheesy lines, clichés about romance, and overall can be a source of amusement, even though you’re also using the site, using your sense of humor to rope her in helps, basically inquiring if she’s actually a real person because she spelled all the words correctly in her profile. The important thing here, though, is not to make it mean-spirited. Keep it in good fun, and move on quickly to why you think she’s so great. If you make her laugh, you’re on your way to making a date.
Close With a Strong Conclusion

“Be confident and try your best to get her attention through your message”
After you go in with a strong first line and get her attention with one of these zingers, the key is to also end the message with a clear expectation. Tell her you hope to hear from her and that you want to talk further. Don’t make it ambiguous or leave it up in the air whether you want to hear from her – be firm and decisive. Women like a man who is confident about what he wants, especially if it’s them. It also speaks to your maturity if you’re up front and honest that you’re interested, she will feel far more at ease responding if she knows she’s dealing with a man, and not a boy.