Conversation Ideas to Break the Ice Not Burn Bridges

“Start an interesting conversation with her”
You finally have her all to yourself and you want to have a conversation to break the ice. Suddenly, there is a log jam in the cranium and you don’t know what to say. First of all, relax. You are not the first guy this has happened to and you surely will not be the last. Just take a deep breath and go to your happy place, because there is a way out of this. Of course, if you came up with some great conversation starters ahead of time, you would not be in this debacle. Here are a few suggestions to help you break the ice and have a fun conversation with her.
Tell Her You Used to Be a Nazi Spy
Ask Her If She Knows Any Ghost Stories

“Recite an exciting ghost story to her”
Talking about the paranormal can be a fun subject no matter what your beliefs on the subject are. If she does not know a good ghost story, make sure you have one ready to go. If you have to, look one up on your phone ahead of time and have it ready to go whenever you bring it up. Don’t look as if you are simply opening the screen to the story, this will look too planned. Make airs about searching for the story before finding the story you are going to read. You can then discuss how ridiculous the story is or what you liked about the story. Chances are, it will lead into further discussions.
Discuss Traveling with Her
If you have traveled a lot or just are interested in traveling, you should discuss it with her. Women like to go places and see things. They like to be adventurous, even if it is only in their mind. The more descriptive you can be when explaining where it is you have been the better. Make sure to ask her about the places she likes to go to as well. She will get into talking about the places she likes to go to and even entertain the thought about going to her favorite places along with you so you can experience them together. Be careful not to make it seem as if you are bragging about the places you like to go to. She does not want to feel talked down to because she has not been to the places you have been. Following these suggestions will have you two talking in no time.