Can Free Kindle Erotica Save Your Sex Life?

“Try reading porn instead of watching it”
If your sex life is fizzling, it can be hard to know what to do. Watching the same porn tropes over and over isn’t going to give you any new ideas, and it’s not going to give you any insights into what your lady wants and needs. There is one quick and easy solution however: Kindle erotica. It’s free, it’s varied, and it’s accessible anywhere you can access the computer.
What is Kindle Erotica?
Amazon Kindle allows people to self-publish any work electronically. Unsurprisingly, a thriving Kindle erotica market sprang up practically overnight. Erotica is written porn for those who prefer to read rather than watch; it engages the imagination leaving the imagery up to the reader. Erotica appeals mostly to women and most of the stories you find online, whether they feature women having sex with women, men with women, men with men, or orgies, they were written by women with a female audience in mind. That doesn’t mean that they can’t be blisteringly hot; pick up a gang bang book and you’ll be sure to see that these ladies don’t skimp on the details.
There are tons of these books for free, often made with very short and single paged stories. You can delete them after you finish reading them, and the great part is that you don’t even need to own a Kindle to read them. You can download a Kindle app to any computer or smart phone so you’ll be able to read these free smut books anywhere.
Enjoy Separately to Learn About Yourself
Enjoy Together to Grow as a Couple

“Read porn together”
Reading erotica together is a great way to open the lines of communication. Select a story and read it together, acting out the parts as the story goes along. Swap stories that you each have read and enjoyed to get a better idea of what your partner wants and what you can do to make sex better than it’s ever been. Sharing erotica encourages fantasies and communication.
Who knows? In a few weeks, you might even decide to write an erotic story together and put it out on the Amazon store under fake names just to get the thrill of other people enjoy your intimate fantasies.
Reading free Kindle fiction can boost your confidence, improve communication, and help you explore your sexual identity. If things aren’t as hot as they used to be, pick up a good book and improve your mind and your sex life at the same time.