Tips and Strategies To Get More Women
We won’t lie, there are many challenges you may face when you’re trying to find a date with married women. You can always make sure you can find dates, but finding as many of them as you want could be a little more difficult if you don’t know fully what you’re doing yet.
You have to know what women want.
Women are not nearly as difficult to understand as the media would like to have you believe. You know that, since you’re already married. You understand that women are also just people, who sometimes have slightly incomprehensible reactions to things.
If you want more dates, there are a few strategies you need to follow. These can help you get laid as much as you want, because you’ll be giving women what they want instead of just asking for what you want. Women are always more eager to agree to things when they know they’re getting what they want out of the bargain.
Present yourself as someone women want to date.
This is the absolute easiest, best way to sum up the way to get a lot of dates on married dating sites. Present yourself as a catch–as someone that women want to date–and it will become true.
Women are more prone to wanting a man that other women want. This is great luck for married men, and a great married dating strategy as well. This isn’t just because women are very competitive, though that’s certainly true. The biggest reason women get like this is the fact that they’re inclined to want a man that other women want—they trust each others’ opinion. If another woman wants him, he must be good.
By presenting yourself as a catch to many women, you can actually create that reality. However, this isn’t the only good tip we have for making sure you get all the dates you want.
Choose the right woman.
Yes, it sounds obvious to say that you’ll get more dates if you choose the right women to ask out, but this isn’t as easy as many people would think, not all of the time.
For one thing, we hate to say it but there is such a thing as having standards that are far too high. Women appreciate ambition, that’s for sure, but there’s a difference between being ambitious and being a complete and total lunatic who’s disconnected from reality.
Be smart about your own desirability.
We’re not saying to talk yourself down, or that a 6 can only date a 6. If you think you’re a good catch, then go ahead and go after the women that you think are suitable for you.
If you know that you have a crappy tiny place and you’re not going to be able to provide for a date, as well as truthfully answer the question of whether or not you have a job, you might want to set your sights a little lower if you want a higher chance of success. Things like having a job, having a decent car, and having a little bit in savings are vastly more important to most women than your looks.
Choosing the right women will help you get more dates.
Don’t just focus on whether you think you can personally get these women to go out with you, either. There are a lot of other things that contribute to choosing the “right woman” to approach.
For example, be very careful about approaching a woman who sounds very nervous in her profile, since she will probably not go through with having an actual affair.
Another thing you should be careful of is a woman who mentions her husband too often. You don’t want to be actually competing with anyone, so don’t let her make you feel inadequate.
Don’t ruin your chances by saying something wrong.
Some things women hate hearing:
Don’t say, “All women are ____.” Women hate being stereotyped.
Don’t EVER talk about sexual assault in a lighthearted way. You will never see this woman again.
Don’t swear unless she swears first.
Don’t talk too much about your money.
This might sound like a lot of don’ts, but we’re trying to prep you for as many dates as you can get—and these mistakes are a great way to make sure that no woman ever contacts you again.