Why You Should Cook for Her on the Second Date

“Cook for her to make her feel special”
If there is one thing women love, it is a guy who knows how to cook. There is something very sexy to women about a man who knows how to take care of himself as well as someone who is willing to take care of his lady. You made it through the first date and she likes you so she is willing to go to your house now that she knows you are not a murderer. So, invite her over and cook a meal for her. There are so many reasons why this is the perfect second date. Consider all of these facts and you will surely be cooking for her the very first opportunity you get.
Food Is Both Sensual and Bonding
Food is a communal thing and when you share it with another person, it makes them feel bonded to you in a new and special way. Even if you are not looking to make a life-long commitment from your cooking skills, you want that bond. The bond allows you to have the acceptance needed to experiment in the bedroom beyond what she might normally be willing to do.

“She’ll love you for the efforts that you put in”
If you can get her involved in at least finishing what you are cooking, it will bond you together even more. It shows that you trust her enough to assist with cooking the food, and it also shows her you are willing to work with her towards a goal. Women love to feel they are something special to you and you trust them. This trust and boding will truly allow you to have anything you want to when it comes to the bedroom. She’ll show you just how much it means to her.
Cooking at Home Gives You Home Field Advantage
If you are cooking at home, you instantly have the advantage. You know your apartment. You know the best places to sit and be intimate. These are all things you can use to your advantage. Since it is your home, you are also closer to the bedroom. If things progress quickly, you may be on your way to the bedroom sooner than you think. Heck, you may not even be able to make it to the bedroom if you ignite her passion properly.